[교수동정] “2024년 2월 신임교원 동정”
- 반도체융합공학과
- 조회수3639
- 2024-02-15
2024학년도 반도체융합공학과 신임교원반도체융합공학과 강태욱 조교수
강태욱 교수는 서울대학교 전기컴퓨터공학부(EECS)에서 학사, 석사과정을 마친 뒤, 실리콘마이터스에서 근무를 하였다. 이후, 미국 미시간 대학교 전기컴퓨터공학부(EECS)에서 박사학위를 취득하고, Apple (Cupertino, CA) 의 회로설계팀에서 근무하였다. 그리고 2024년 2월에 성균관대학교 반도체융합공학과 조교수로 부임하였다.
연구분야는 Mixed-signal integrated circuit (IC) 설계로, 그 중에서도 Speech recognition IC (ADC, digital beamforming, DNN classifier)와 센서공정을 포함한 Bio-sensor system IC 의 연구를 진행 중이다.
▶ Mixed-signal integrated circuit (IC) design, Speech recognition IC (ADC, digital beamforming, DNN classifier), Bio-sensor IC with fabrication.
국제 학술지 논문
▶ Taewook Kang, Seungjong Lee, Seungheun Song, Mohammad R. Haghighat, and Michael P. Flynn, "A Multimode 157μW 4-Channel 80dBA-SNDR Speech Recognition Frontend with Direction-of-Arrival Correction Adaptive Beamformer," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC),Nov. 2023.
▶ Seungjong Lee, Taewook Kang, Seungheun Song, Kyumin Kwon, and Michael P. Flynn, "An 81.6 dB SNDR 15.625 MHz BW 3rd Order CT SDM with a True Time-Interleaving Noise-Shaping Quantizer," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), Dec. 2022.
▶ Taewook Kang, Seungjong Lee, Mohammad Haghighat, Darren Abramson, and Michael P. Flynn, "A 650-μW 4-Channel 83-dBA-SNDR Speech Recognition Frontend With Adaptive Beamforming and Feature Extraction," IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letter (SSCL), Sep. 2021.
▶ Seungjong Lee, Taewook Kang, John Bell, Mohammad Haghighat, Alberto Martinez, and Michael P. Flynn, "An Eight-Element Frequency-Selective Acoustic Beamformer and Bitstream Feature Extractor," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), Aug. 2021.
▶ Taewook Kangand Jaeha Kim, "Design and Analysis of 37.5% Energy-Recycling Flyback-Type Class-D Gate Driver IC with 5-to-15V Level-Conversion,"IEEE Trans. Industry Applications, vol. 52, no. 4, pp.3324-3331, Apr. 2016.
▶ Yoontaek Lee, Taewook Kang, and Jaeha Kim, "A 9-11 bits Phase-Interpolating Digital Pulse-Width Modulator with 1000X Frequency Range", IEEE Trans. Industry Applications, pp. 3376-3384, Mar. 2015.
▶ Seungheun Song, Taewook Kang, Seungjong Lee, and Michael P. Flynn, "A 150-MS/s Fully Dynamic SAR-Assisted Pipeline ADC Using a Floating Ring Amplifier and Gain-Enhancing Miller Negative-C," IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits (VLSI-Symp), Jun. 2023 (accepted).
▶ Seungjong Lee, Taewook Kang, Seungheun Song, Kyumin Kwon, and Michael Flynn, “An 81.6dB SNDR 15.625MHz BW 3rd Order CT SDM with a True TI NS Quantizer,” IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits (VLSI-Symp), Jun. 2022.
▶ Taewook Kang*, Seungjong Lee*, Seungheun Song, Mohammad R. Haghigat, and Michael Flynn, "A Multimode 157μW 4-Channel 80dBA-SNDR Speech-Recognition Frontend with Self-DOA Correction Adaptive Beamformer," IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), Feb. 2022.
▶ Taewook Kang, Seungjong Lee, Mohammad Haghigat, Darren Abramson, and Michael Flynn, "A 650µW 4-channel 83dBA-SNDR Speech Recognition Frontend with Adaptive Beamforming and Feature Extraction," IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), Apr. 2021.
▶ Jongyup Lim, Myungjoon Choi, Bowen Liu, Taewook Kang, Ziyun Li, Zhehong Wang, Yiqun Zhang, Kaiyuan Yang, David Blaauw, Hun-Seok Kim, and Dennis Sylvester "AA-ResNet: Energy Efficient All-Analog ResNet Accelerator," IEEE MWSCAS, Aug. 2020.
▶ Seungjong Lee, Taewook Kang, John Bell, Mohammad R. Haghighat, Alberto J. Martinez, Michael Flynn, "An 8-Element Frequency-Selective Acoustic Beamformer and Bitstream Feature Extractor with 60 Mel-Frequency Energy Features Enabling 95% Speech Recognition Accuracy," IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits (VLSI-Symp), Jun. 2020.
▶ Taewook Kang, Inhee Lee, Sechang Oh, Taekwang Jang, Yejoong Kim, Hyochan Ahn, Gyouho Kim, Se-Un Shin, Seokhyeon Jeong, Dennis Sylvester, David Blaauw, "A 1.7×4.1×2 mm3FullyIntegratedpHSensorforImplantableApplicationsusingDifferentialSensingandDrift-Compensation,"IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits (VLSI-Symp), Jun. 2019.
▶ Sechang Oh, Yao Shi, Gyouho Kim, Yejoong Kim, Taewook Kang, Seokhyeon Jeong, Dennis Sylvester, and David Blaauw, "A 2.5nJ Duty-Cycled Bridge-to-Digital Converter Integrated in a 13mm3Pressure-SensingSystem,"IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), Feb. 2018.
▶ Taewook Kangand Jaeha Kim, "Design and Analysis of 37.5% Energy-Recycling Flyback-Type Class-D Gate Driver IC with 5-to-15V Level-Conversion," Energy Conversion Congress & Expo (ECCE), pp. 2159-2163, Sep. 2014.
▶ Yoontaek Lee, Taewook Kang, and Jaeha Kim, "A 9~11-bit Phase-Interpolating Digital Pulse-Width Modulator with 1000:1 Frequency Range," Energy Conversion Congress & Expo (ECCE), Sep. 2014.
▶ Taewook Kangand Jaeha Kim, "Design and Analysis of a Buck-Type Class-D Gate Driver IC," Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), pp. 2600-2604, Mar. 2014.
▶ Taewook Kang, Yoontaek Lee, Myeong-Jae Park, and Jaeha Kim, "A 15-V, 40-kHz Class-D Gate Driver IC with 62% Energy Recycling Rate," Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC), pp. 377-380, Nov. 2013.
▶ Taewook Kangand Jaeha Kim, "Investigations on On-Chip Planar Inductor Design with Post-Processed Magnetic Core for DC-DC Converter Applications," ECCE Asia, pp. 1079-1083, Jun. 2013.
▶ Jong Hyun Shin, Jaeha Kim, Hyun Soo Park, Jung-ik Ha, and Taewook Kang, "POWER SUPPLY AND GATE DRIVER THEREIN," U.S. Patent 20150188404A1, issued Jul. 2, 2015.
▶ Jaeha Kim, Jung-Ik Ha, and Taewook Kang, "Apparatus for controlling power devices and method for controlling power devices using same," Korea Patent, WO 2014025110 A1, issued Feb. 13, 2014.